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Editorial Staff

Dorchester County and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Partner to Restore Polk Swamp

Dorchester County, SC - Local officials and representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District, gathered on Monday to sign a Project Partnership Agreement aimed at restoring the Polk Swamp to its more natural condition.

Back in 2010, Dorchester County officials requested assistance in restoring the area to its former glory after it was left devastated by Hurricane Hugo. Over the years, the decline of the swamp has caused significant damage to the local ecosystem, and it has become a priority for the county to restore the area to its natural state.

Today, the agreement was signed, marking a significant step forward in the restoration of the almost 300 acres of bottomland hardwood forest in Polk Swamp. The next phase of the project will be focused on design and engineering, with construction expected to commence in 2025.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, County officials expressed their hopes that future generations will be able to enjoy the area as previous generations once did. The restoration project will not only help protect the local ecosystem, but it will also help preserve the area's cultural heritage.

The Polk Swamp is a vital part of the local landscape, and the restoration project is essential for its survival. The Project Partnership Agreement signed today is a significant milestone in this effort, and the county is committed to seeing the project through to its completion.

As the restoration project moves forward, we will continue to provide updates on its progress, and we look forward to seeing the Polk Swamp restored to its former glory.

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